I would like to wish everyone a happy new year. We have begun the year with renewed vigor and drive to achieve our goals and help our customers achieve theirs. I would sincerely thank all GAVSians and our partners for their dedicated efforts in helping us grow.
A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Uncertain and challenging times have taught us valuable lessons, and we are wiser for it. Our vision for the new year is to ensure that we are closer to meeting our aspirations through continued collective effort.
We believe that the three pillars of GAVS – Growth and Aspirations, Customer Centricity, People Focus – help us march towards our goals.
Growth and Aspirations
At an industry level, we will be focusing on Healthcare and Banking & Financial Services. While we continue to support our existing customers in achieving their business imperatives, we are looking forward to doing some exciting work for our new customers in India, North America, and Middle East.
We have had some senior leaders join us to lead our efforts in growing our Healthcare vertical and take our solutions in blockchain, medical IoT, data management and analytics to the market. Strategic partnerships are important to us and we are expanding our partnerships with CHIME and IIT Madras. We have set up the Healthcare Technology Institute in association with IIT-M, which is shaping up well. IIT-M also has a wealth of expertise in supply chain that we are tapping into.
We have developed a framework, AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS), which can build solutions for business requirements in healthcare and other industries, solve existing data or pattern problems, and innovate solutions that empower patientcare and improve end-user experience.
We will be focusing on our AIOps platform, ZIFTM, as a key growth driver across the globe. It had been granted 2 patents by the US PTO last year and we continue to upgrade it to cater to the business needs of our customers. We want to ensure a market leadership for ZIFTM along with our VDI solution, zDesk.
Cybersecurity solutions is another area of focus for us. The pandemic has moved cybersecurity to the top of most business leaders’ list of priorities. Through our internal capabilities and our alliances and partnerships, we aim to address the current challenges being faced by organizations.
Customer Centricity
We need to continue to excel in our ability to be the clear concierge for our customers and drive customer success rather than just delivering SoWs. We have always placed the utmost importance on being a Customer Centric organization – it involves understanding those that we work with as individuals along with their roles in their organizations and of course understanding the organization too. Aligning to an organizations goals and objectives thus helps us enable them with innovative solutions. Cost-effectiveness, time to market are all given, but solutions which are end-user experience based, guarantee service assurance and enhance revenue channels, those are very critical. Two things that we are working on bringing to our customers are gain-sharing and outcome-based pricing.
People Focus
Sangeeta Malkhede has joined us recently as our Global Head of HR and she comes with extensive experience in people management. Under her leadership, we aim to achieve our aspirations of setting the standards for people practices in the industry.
At GAVS, we will continue to provide a platform for our employees to excel and fulfil their aspirations. We want to emerge as an organization where people cherish working. There ais a constant focus on culture, people practices and our ability to provide interventions to our leaders and help GAVSians grow into leaders in their own right. We empower our leaders to play the role of a CEO of their respective engagements/functions.
Message for GAVSians
To GAVSians, I would ask you all to chase your dreams and aspirations. Think like an entrepreneur and empower yourselves to drive success for yourself and our customers.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts – let’s all play our part in breaking any silos that may exist and making GAVS a collaborative workplace.

Balaji Uppili
“Balaji Uppili is the Chief Customer Success Officer at GAVS.”
Balaji has over 25 years of experience in the IT industry, across multiple verticals. His enthusiasm, energy and client focus is a rare gift, and he plays a key role in bringing new clients into GAVS. Balaji heads the Delivery department and passionately works on Customer delight. He says work is worship for him, and enjoys watching cricket, listening to classical music and visiting temples.