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Job Description


Manager - ETL & Automation Testing

05-07-2024 12:27:30

10 - 15 years

  • Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (CHN)

Open position is for Full stack manager level QA engineer.


  • Good experience in Information Technology, with specializing in Software Quality Assurance Testing, proficient in testing on Client/Server,Web based and Mobile applications.
  • Detail and Result oriented QA Engineer in maintaining Software Testing Life Cycle throughout all phases of Software Development Life Cycle. Exposure to AGILE testing process using SCRUM methodology & Tools (Rally, JIRA, AzureDevOps) and working experience with Agile methodology.
  • Experience with advanced SQL queries and scripting language with 1+ years of proven test experience in the range of Big Data architectures and frameworks including Hadoop ecosystem, Hive, Hue, Oozie etc.
  • Understanding of Java, JDBC, Java Script, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, XPath, SOA and Web Services (SOAP and RESTFUL).
  • Proven ability in designing and Creating test cases, automation frameworks using Java, TESTNG, Apache HttpClient, Selenium WebDriver/ IDE, Grid, TestNG, ANT, Maven, Log4j, JDBC, and JXL
  • Experience in UFT, TOSCA, RFT.
  • Experience in Page Object Factory and Data Driven Framework using JXL, Test NG Data Provider
  • Had hands on experience in Web Services testing using SOAPUI and Restful
  • Experience in working with Build Systems like ANT, Gradle, Maven and CI systems like Jenkins, Bamboo, AzureDevOps etc.
  • Experienced in White Box, Black Box, Functional, System, Regression, Integration, GUI testing using both Manual and Automation Techniques
  • Having experience in various phases of testing life cycle like requirement gathering, risk analysis, project planning and estimation, testing, defect management and reporting.
  • Expertise in diverse domain technologies like Banking, Insurance, Finance,Telco, Media and Healthcare.
  • Experience using Source Control tools like Subversion (SVN), GIT, GITHUB and GIT BITBUCKET.
  • Strong knowledge of working in Mac, windows, UNIX/Linux
  • Expertise in documenting defects with high level of detail, accuracy, and informative recreation steps using Quality Center, Rally, JIRA, AzureDevOps and BugZilla.
  • Possess strong analytical, troubleshooting, communication and presentation skills, self - starter, quick learner and team player
  • Dynamic in working with all teams involving Developers, Business Analysts, Product team and Client Support teams for deliveries on time and budget with highest quality.
  • Good experience in the successful implementation of Automation Test Framework.


  • Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver/Grid, HP Quality Center, SoapUI, Jenkins, Cucumber, Browser Stack.
  • Languages: Java, C, SQL, PL/SQL, XML, XPath, Groovy
  • Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, XML, Shell Script, log4j, JDBC
  • Unit Test Frameworks: Junit, TestNG, Apache HttpClient
  • Bug Tracking Tools: HP Quality Center, BugZilla, Rally, JIRA, Confluence, AzureDevOps
  • Web Services: SOAPUI Pro, PostMan
  • Version Control Tools: Subversion, GIT, GIT BIT BUCKET and GITHUB
  • Build Tools: ANT, MAVEN, GRADLE
  • Databases: Hadoop ecosystem, Hive, Hue, Oozie, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL.
  • Operating Systems: Mac, Unix, Linux, Windows