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Restart With

No bar on career break duration |
No reasons asked

Restart is a program for women in the technology space who are currently on a career break and want to resume their tech journeys. The program is a ticket to a successful career relaunch that’s exciting, rewarding, and full of endless possibilities. In the Restart program, we neither ask you the reason for the break in career nor worry about its duration. All we care about is your desire to get back and get going.


Phase I

Resume Building and Screening
  • We understand how difficult it is to build that resume after a gap. Hence at Restart program we provide you with a resume building workshop. It’s free, and you can take your power-packed resume in the outside world.
  • Based on GS Lab | GAVS’ requirements, we would screen those resumes and shortlisted candidates for the Phase II program.

Phase II

Soft Landing

Selected candidates will join our one-month soft landing, where they will:

  • Access self-paced online courses
  • Join as a buddy on a demo project to sharpen technical skills
  • Be part of a collaborative forum of woman colleagues in the organization

Read our Stories

GS Lab | GAVS’ Restart Program for Women in Tech was a life changing experience for me. I restarted my journey after a gap of almost 5 years and the program provided relevant technical trainings which helped me in brushing up my skills. I started setting targets for myself and worked on slowly achieving them. Getting back to work is extremely difficult but an extremely positive experience. I am thankful to GS Lab for giving me the opportunity and I hope more women are able to reboot their journey with confidence.

Snehal AhireQA Engineer

Restart Form

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