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Reliable Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity with GCP


In today’s dynamic business environment, it is essential to have robust strategies in place to mitigate risks and maintain continuity in the face of disasters and security incidents. Ensure seamless business continuity and mitigate financial losses with GS Lab | GAVS’ comprehensive disaster recovery offerings on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Our solutions not only meet compliance requirements but also safeguard your reputation by minimizing downtime and data loss. With robust risk management strategies, we enhance customer confidence and trust while providing you with a competitive advantage in the market.

We help guarantee that your DR plan is thoroughly tested, prioritizes critical systems, eliminates single points of failure, and leverages cloud-based DR solutions for steely resilience. With our approach, you can be assured of a robust and reliable disaster recovery strategy that safeguards your business continuity effectively.

Key Benefits with GCP

Global Footprint

Comprehensive Solutions

Service Level Features

Enhanced Security


Forever Incremental Backups

Instant Mount and Recovery

Application-Consistent Database Backups

Broad Database Support

Offerings and Solutions

Disaster Recovery Assessment

Evaluate your current disaster recovery preparedness and identify potential vulnerabilities

Business Impact Analysis

Understand the potential impact of disruptions on your business operations and prioritize recovery efforts

Disaster Recovery Planning

Develop customized disaster recovery plans tailored to your organization’s needs and requirements

Implementation and Testing

Implement DR solutions on GCP and conduct regular testing to ensure readiness

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

Monitor your DR environment continuously and optimize resources for maximum efficiency

Our Approach

Architecting DR on GCP

Our Approach

Architecting DR on GCP

Key GCP Backup and DR Proficiencies

  • Cloud Migration Center
  • ADDM Tools
  • Cloud Backup and DR Service
  • Google Cloud Deployment Manager
  • Compute Engine
  • Cloud Data Loss Prevention
  • Cloud Operations Suite
  • Cloud Storage
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Cloud SQL
  • Third Party Tools such as HYCU, RackWare

The GS Lab | GAVS Advantage

  • Workload-based multiple RTO/RPO options
  • Dynamic Provisioning
  • Security and Compliance
  • Complete Visibility into Backup and Server Environments
  • Recovery Orchestration and Fastest Activation
  • Optimal Disaster Recovery Approach
Start building a robust backup and DR strategy with GCP today